
Adolescence is one of the moments most important in the life of the human being, is when it has the changes, uncertainties and will of being independent. Old the children obeyed, the parents and the situations that the society considered. The young had fear to express its opinions. Nowadays, what valley is its opinion, they want to be free to be able to fly, does not have more shame to display its ideas. Continue to learn more with: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Before the adolescents were considered children with few responsibilities. now its parents are charging something them its children, attitudes more independent and adult, little tricks. But at the same time where the parents charge of its children these attitudes of being a more adult person, proper them they finish leaving this of side, because of the day the day, of the running it work, without having no type of I dialogue with its son, etc. and because of this in our daily one, we come across in them with attitudes that we are total infuriated.

The young lesser rebels of 18 years, leaving house, crying out with its parents, speaking horrorosas words, therefore they think that she does not need the aid nobody, that he himself is proper owner of itself and can very turn over well alone. The fight and the conflicts with the parents in the adolescence are constant. They question everything, want to take the decisions, because they are most ideal. You see and if she comes across with a situation of this and thinks, ' ' At my time he was not assim' '. To charge as many responsibilities and to leave that they turn over alone are the way most correct to decide this problem. He will be same that they know to take care of of itself proper? With certainty to have a son in the adolescence or if to debate with a front adolescent, where the attitudes are difficult to understand, are not far from easy. to decide which is more correct attitude to be overcome with the young or to try to understand, because of its taking of decisions, is inexplicable.