He is by means of the innumerable reincarnations that we purify in them and we reach the evolution of the Spirit gradually. Without the mechanism of the reincarnation we would remain stationary. As well as the angels, the devil also does not exist. The used term, devil, is to a mere alegrica representation of the evil, that summarizes in itself all mazelas of the Espritos imperfect. The calls demons, nothing more are that Espritos ignorant and imperfect,> If he does not have privileges in the Creation, then Jesus was not created by God, in its origin, as a being that already appeared illuminated. Certainly, it, as well as us, had that to pass for all the periods of training of the evolution until reaching, for proper effort and merit the evolutivo period of training we know that it. To its side and in direct coordination with the divine laws, a infinity of other espritos of light is the responsible ones for the routes of our planet. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Rio- Tinto Diamonds on most websites. Dying in the Cross, Christ in it gave an extreme example to them of love the next one, but it seems that much little people understood the meaning.> without proper effort.
We are only the capable ones to save we ourselves, by means of our moral and intellectual progress. How? Practising the Moral Reformation in its fullness and sub judging inside of us the parents of all ours males, which is the Pride and the Egoism. As in the proper Christ taught to them: you do not know what stays to ask for. You can drink the clice that I have-of drinking?