Science comes of the Latin (scientia, what it comes to be any knowledge or practical systematics). Based in a more restricted direction, the study in the scientific methods. Science searchs to study the pure truth, a rational inquiry searching the definition to evaluate the process of the empirical knowledge. In the life, Sylvester of the hunters and collectors are that they them indians are clearly, leave in search saciar the hunger when they kill or they fish the animals and fish, therefore, this known process more of the tribe that we are studying here. Source: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. In the paleolithic period, the primitive men got its foods of the hunting where they always leave in groups to hunt the animals of great transport, in which she was used to advantage of the abated animal the meat for the consumption and the skin was used as clothes.
The collection process was done for the women and the children who were responsible of the harvests of the wild fruits and in the preparation of foods, since the men hunted and made the protection of the tribe. The language is pursuings of the language used in one determined civilization. In agreement, with the historicidade of the language and relation the language agrees to say that the minority languages can exist restricted to the verbal condition, that is, only spoken or also can be written (or half-writings). Normally minority languages can be divided between two categories: Languages autctones and languages alctones. Autctone means natural of the land, aboriginal.
Alctone means basically transplantada language or language of immigration. The language human being comes to be in the directional scope between the human being and the animal. Therefore, the man is the only one obtains if auto to relate with excessively through the communication, of the dialogue and the verbal codes. Valley also to stand out that the corporal language lode of its contribution for the development of the language human being, for the fact to improve the communication of the deaf person-dumb.