So that if it has implanted a program of social responsibility, necessary if it makes that the corporation understands and defines really its objectives how much to the application inside of the company. This type of activity does not have restriction, as much can be carried through by companies of great, average and small transport, a time that the essential and necessary it is the will to work with serious projects that they supply resulted concrete of long duration, allies the measures that result in improvement of life, generation of job and income, combat to the discrimination and preservation of the environment. It is good for standing out, that such attitudes do not have if ater natalinas times where all citizen fulls the chest to say: I helped to the day-care center such I I bought I embezzle asylum pro john doe we of company X I promote a food collection. That he is well clearly: To be socially responsible is not no favor given for the company and yes the complement of a cycle, a time that the company extracts of the society and the environment, resources stops its production. Therefore let us be intent to alardes of year end! Not that in the year end the companies do not have to help, but companies who use the date and the natalino moment to be promoted – being that during elapsing of the year nothing they had made in the direction of one real implantation or implementation of the Social Responsibility – cannot and neither they would have to divulge tais' ' aids natalinas' ' as being of social responsibility.