June Great

Authors: Carlos Humberto Biagolini? UNIVERSITY GUARULHOS? UnG; Carlos H. Biagolini Jnior? FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF YOU CULTIVATE? UFLA, Cristiane B. Cangani – UNIESP SUMMARY: The Araucrias is typical plants of the regions south and Southeastern of same Brazil and in these regions, is restricted the specific points, generally higher in relation to the level of the sea. In the past, these vegetables had occupied bigger areas of what they occupy today and its reduced number of individuals if must to the fact of the quality of the wood favor the construction of houses or then to be good as firewood for domestic use. The angustiflia Araucrias, belongs the family of the Araucariaceae that they possess as characteristic main, to be trees of great transport and not to produce fruits, only seeds, in this case the nut. The seed nut is part of the culinria culture and is related with the parties caipiras, calls of juninas and julinas parties that respectively occur in the months of June and July in all the domestic territory, however the presence of nut in the tables during the commemorations is restricted the regions where the tree of the angustiflia Araucria is present or in next regions. In the bush, diverse animals depend on the araucria seeds to feed themselves, as well as also the plant serelepe depends on diverse animals to propagate its seeds between these animals is the squirrel and gralha blue that it embeds the seeds to eat later.

For forgetting where it embedded the seeds, it favors the germination and the growth of a new tree. The araucria is a vegetable of great utility, therefore of it if it uses to advantage practically everything, since the almond until the resin that can be removed of caule. Of this resin the tar can leave, diverse oils, juniper oil and breu, for varied industrial applications. The seeds are rich in starch, proteins and fats. In some regions of Brazil where it has occurrence of the angusifolia Araucria is inhabits relatively common, alimentary with pinhes, animals of medium and great transport as for example pigs, jaws, tapirs, horses and others. Ahead of a vegetable with great importance one becomes natural that pertaining to school works and research involving this plant, relieve many quarrels favorable to education and formation of knowledge in diverse segments of biology. Thus pupils of a state school located in the zone east of So Paulo, had carried through the plantation of 200 changes and had folloied the development of the beginning to the point of definitive replantio and during this process they had folloied the brotamento and growth of the first branches and the root, beyond participating of quarrels involving alimentary chain, vegetal reproduction, interaction animal/related plants and other subjects. WORDS KEY: Nut, Araucrias, Ecology, Seeds, Gralha-blue, Gimnospermas