Only that, nowadays, some problems are disclosed: the pupils (without light, who depend on the light of the professor to develop themselves) nor always they are intent; in the majority of the schools almost the totality of the pupils lost the capacity of the attention and it does not hear the teachings of the master. why the pupils do not concentrate themselves? It is the eventual question of who has some son in the school and rare thing in our days still it desires to see its son learning. Therefore I answer: the attention of the pupils if concentrates, not more in what the professor teaches, because who more teaches is not the professor, but in other points; the who more captive attention of the pupils is the TV, the computer, the games the rooms of beats papo, Orkut, MSN and all the equipment of spaces that form this virtual universe and that it is not present in the classroom. But also aggravation occurs another one. This says respect to some professors of some schools. It has some professors, in some schools that use the wonder of computer science in this wonderful universe that is the classroom.
They are two worlds, two universes that if find producing a new universe, of knowing. But at the intercession of the pertaining to school universe with the virtual universe and all the resources of computer science to facilitate education, some professors stumble. Unhappyly they had learned to use the picture and the chalk and had applied well this technique to the picture and brush. But they had stumbled at the universe of the available technologies of computer science for education. He occurs that in some schools where the classrooms can count on the resources of the technologies of the computer science and the medias of information, the professors had left to use the picture and of the chalk that it is good. But the technologies had not developed the ability to transmit the information using.
E makes bad use of some tools. If it is truth that had time where the professor was a person who wise person and taught, with the arrival of the modern resources of information and of computer science it started to use inadequately these resources. It can until knowing what, but it does not know more as to teach. It is arrested in slides without if abiding by the present content in slide. It places some disconnected phrases in slides, with colors that, instead of calling the attention, make it difficult the visualization. Worse, disponibiliza these slides to the pupils whom if they arrest to the minimum as if this was the maximum. thus, the resource that was to be a wonder starts to be an element that increases the learning difficulty. the school, that had everything to leave the picture and chalk dinamizando learning in the age of computer science, continues without knowing as to accomplish a bigger learning, therefore it stumbles at the technologies that had come to help. Still we need to learn the way that helps in them to leave the picture and chalk crossing PowerPoint.