Taking in account this affirmation the speed of the information in the force to absorb them in faster way, and many times without filters and very artificially, being primordial to know to reserve time for its absorption. An elaboration of a project requires a script, a concept, therefore not having content, does not have organization of information, that become essential for the development. With effect, all concept, having one I number finite of components, will branch off on other concepts, composites of other way, but that they constitute other regions of the same plain, that answer the problems connected, participate of a cocriao. (DELEUZE, 2004, P. 30).
This initial solidarity between information, concept and creation is presented in general. The acquired information become a starting point as well as a vocabulary. It does not think that vocabulary acquired theoretically or in periodic sources if equals to the experiences lived in the proper meat. The theory is important, but not without practical and the experiences of that in the addition. The junction of the three topics already in gives a capacity to them of visualization of everything of a different form.
The search of knowing is very well quista for the intellectual growth of the individual, being added by the capacity of absorption and sensitivity of each one accurately what it shakes, our false sensation of security, destroying our rigidity and in making to cry to smile, to see our defects. The man if never hid in such a way inside of itself exactly, trying to survive of the work for house and forgetting them simple things the life. He looks for to observe the example: In one day rainy you already stopped per some instants and looked at for the water drops reaching the surface of a lake? They add with the equal speed with that they appear, however they become the lake quickly and later the cycle she comes back if to repeat (the water of the lake turns cloud that realizable utopia it will be able to move and to call positive.