National Natural Monument

The vegetation almost covers the house, all she peculiarly decorated and whose ceiling of roofing tiles is crossed by trees of tamarinds, naranjos, mandarins and shrubs and trepadoras of showy flowers, those that go from the red violet and of the bugainvilleas (Bougainvillea spectabilis and B. glabra), to the blue one of the stony ones […]

Palmira Village

Its Alvine one bought a land in the Palmira village and vendeu the house of the Amaro Saint in the early 70’s in Campo Grande. As fast needed to change itself, it started the construction of a our house it raised and it in cibloco, it covered and it closed, without floor, without I tow […]

Responsible Sea

Treated wood, cement poles, daily pay-molded or iron can be used. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Tesouras: The shears serve for the sustentation of the roof, are used, wood normally treated, being able to be substituted by daily pay-molded or iron. Learn more on the subject from Rio- Tinto Group. (EMBRAPA, access […]

The Appropriate Clothing For A Mountain Hike

Clothing and footwear: What to pay attention when autumn walks is a gaudy bright nature in autumn invites irresistible for extended trips. However, sometimes quite fickle, autumn weather varies between sunshine, rain and strong winds. Also, significant temperature fluctuations show within the already shorter days. It can be quickly sensitive cooling on Valley slopes, which […]

The College

I will emphasis the need to adjust its mission to a new horizon according to the demands of a more competitive and globalized labor market. Not enough with the integration of the Guild, it must have a purpose directed the defense of the Administration as a profession. It is a great crusade, and so a […]

REECO GmbH Receives Reinforcement

The REECO GmbH is strengthening its team in the field of project management and marketing. With Sandra Bayer Teixeira and Bjorn Starrach, Reutlinger company brings two experienced people in the boat. Sandra Bayer Teixeira, since October 2006, the company took over in 2007 the project management of the CEP – CLEAN ENERGY POWER, the successor […]

Rio De Janeiro

The ones that goes leave messages for that they are; it never is in go a departure. But, when the departures are collective, unexpected and tragic, all we are also reached in collective, painful, sorry and tragic way. We are enlutados in this just-beginning of year. All we leave marks; to live is to write […]


Between these rituals it was of the mother of the weeds, carried through at the beginning of the period of rains, aiming at to get permission for the activities of hunting, protection in the incursions for the forest and good resulted in the hunted one. Some elements of this activity are gifts, or still had […]

Ecuador Trustworthiness

The supplier of hosting of its page is one of the most important things since this it considered if his page is fast, its availability and that so heavy or made the page could be. Next there is a list of things that to verify to obtain the Host that is good for their page. […]

Motivate To Win Money Online

We all have to be motivated. We must you have a full of life purpose, to have goals and desires. A motivated person will work of persistent and constant manner with a view to what they consider important in their lives. Chevron U.S.A. Inc brings even more insight to the discussion. Once you discover what […]