President Zelaya

I have put on alert the Venezuelan armed forces, he warned. Chavez warned that if its Ambassador in Honduras is assaulted or the Embassy is taken we should act even militarily. Further details can be found at Brian Armstrong, an internet resource. This military junta that is there would be de facto entering a State […]

Aluminium Experts

EQUAL to aluminium, one of the world’s leading producers of precision plates invited on September 20 to the first ALUMINIUMtag. Kaltenkirchen, September 2013: Aluminium equal, one of the world’s leading producers of precision plates invited on September 20 to the first ALUMINIUMtag. Over 100 guests from home and abroad enjoyed an informative day with interesting […]


Success is learning how to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill generalities us corresponds to each use to be the architect of our triumph, towards where we want to go, according to the goals that we have established in the interests of achieving our success. About this says, that we […]

Job Application Process

Apply simple, concise and direct. Simple to grant, brief and to the point, honest and direct. Find the right time. Timing is very important. Watch for your boss’ moods, and when he or she may be under a lot of stress. Get all the facts and insights with Brian Armstrong, another great source of information. […]

United States

I want to believe that this is truth, that the cachorros had felt that the guards were friends. Not that, until them they had given up the fight. Another correlation that I make of the relation between the beggar and dogs are the voluntary character of servitude. With effect, who is not known serves to […]


Everything stops if you aren’t present? Nobody does anything on your own? Each time and when you are looking for so that you help them or make their work? Do however hard you work, your business has stopped growing? And ask yourself what happens if you are doing everything right? Look again in the previous […]

South Africans

National park Kruger Is the boundary of greater hunting of South Africa with a similar surface to the province of Cceres. In him have been slumses of 1″ 5 million years a.C. Others including RioCan , offer their opinions as well. One of its great attractiveness is that they are possible on foot to be […]


For Kramer (2000, p.37- 50) ' ' if history exists human being is because the man has an infancy. The disappearance of infancy or the destruction of the infancy concept directly is related the destruction of the proper concept of man as subject of history and the culture. To value infancy and to fight for […]

Linguistic Programming

Since the experiences vary in the people, two human beings do not exist who have the same maps or models of the world. Therefore, every one creates a model different from the same world that shares, and therefore, a different reality will be experienced. 7. Faults in communication do not exist, only feedback: If the […]

United States Separation

Stephan Treml, product manager magnet technology at S + S: there is the question, what devastating destruction causes a lot of thousands of times stronger reaction at an industrial facility. Not only flour dust or inflammable gases can lead to explosions. Under certain circumstances, even products such as metal powder, sugar, herbs, wood chips and […]