The film the Chained ones brings tona history of a professor who if ahead sees in way to the complexities it practical exercise of pedagogical in an institution of whitewashing of lesser infractors and of a scene with as many peculiarities and especificidades, searchs to make possible an educative process truily differentiated and emancipatrio. To think the Education about way to this context constitutes a true challenge the prxis pedagogical: what to know need to be constructed in this data universe? In the truth, what if it must long for is the search for emancipating educandos and making possible they it true exercise of the citizenship and its concrete formation as citizens, making with that the educator thinks and rethink, concepts, methodologies, ideologies and to make, in the imminence of the particularitities that the scene brings. The analysis of this explicit situation the concretude of the thought Freiriano of that ‘ ‘ If the by itself not dumb Education the society, the Society so little dumb without the Educao’ ‘ (FREIRE 2007). Without shade of doubts, an education capable to act as Freire considered, possesss conceptions, values, singular and thought actions and ideologies in favor of this common ideal, that is the improvement of the Society and the full exercise of the citizenship. That is, a truily emancipatria education perpassa for a resume capable to give to account of the demands and distinctions of one given reality, its real necessities and expectations. He is explicit that the resume possesss basic paper in developing of an education truily differentiated and that as such brings obtains the capacity of change and development of they live deeply that it, forming them fully as citizens. With this, the current moment demands the search for the understanding of what truily it is resume and as it can intervene (and he intervenes), in the processes educative in virtue of the construction of the citizenship.