Higher costs for electricity and gas have disadvantages, not only for the tenants but also for the landlord. Electricity and gas play a very large role, not only for the accommodation costs but also in the area of alternative drives. Electricity and gas are namely, that can drive the cost of the rent in the height. The basic rent is generally unchanged. Higher costs for electricity and gas have disadvantages, not only for the tenants but also for the landlord. They have to pay even higher discounts. For this reason it is worth sch for a landlord to perform a price comparison on electricity and gas, and not only for his investment money of the day.
In particular but also during the day, the comparison between the individual providers worth money of course. And these individual providers are very numerous in this market. This theory also applies to gas prices. Though to mention here is that the gas market is liberalised, but ultimately still by the big monopolies dominated. While electricity and gas comparing it today goes through appropriate comparison portals, which are specialized on electricity and gas, a day passing over money comparison special comparison portals by their provider specialising in financial products.
Who here to the day money at the same time a deposit perform a comparison like would perform can remain on the same page and instead of day money just deposit as the subject of the comparison are chosen. Both money and deposit certain factors for comparison are the application. In the electricity and gas are this of course completely different. Day money is interesting as the interest and of course also the transaction costs in particular comparison factors. And when gas and electricity comparison factors come as the height of the price of the kilowatt-hour.