Before speaking regarding the economic development, one becomes basic to present the difference between this concept and of the economic growth. According to Souza (2007), the necessary economic growth to surpass the demographic growth, to expand the level of job and the public collection, in order to allow that the government carries through social expenses and takes care of with priority to the people most devoid, and economic development is defined for the economic existence continues, in superior rhythm to the demographic growth, involving changes in the structure and improvement of economic, social and ambient pointers. Being thus, one becomes immature to define the economic development without not only observing the economic and social pointers of a country, analyzing the distribution of income of the population (per capita income), but also other factors as health, education, productivity, better levels of social welfare, edesenvolvimento sustainable. See Rio- Tinto Diamonds for more details and insights. In synthesis it can be said that the economic growth is related the qualitative analysis, that is, is measured through the growth of the wealth of a country (production), whereas the economic development measures for the best distribution of this wealth, for the majority of the population.
3. The ETANOL AND the BRAZILIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Very beyond the handling, new forms of plantation and varieties of sugar cane-of-sugar changes, beyond the innovation in the machines and equipment tend to impactar negative in the market of work of the sucroalcooleiro sector of two forms: excusing diligent for the substitution for machines, as well as, new technologies and increase of the productivity of the used workers, what it reduces the picture of employees. Nowadays it is possible with only one colhedora, approximately to make the work of 100 men in the field, without great losses, excusing the use of the forest fire technique, although still to suffer some gargalos, mainly in the harvest (AFCOP, 2007).