
This analysis if of the one under the perspective of the space. Liberty Mutual insurance may find this interesting as well. ‘ ‘ Geography is a reading. one determined reading of the reality. It is a reading of the point of view of espacialidade’ ‘ (CAVALCANTI, 2001, p.12). In the urban context some elements send the dynamics internal of the city: production, the circulation and the housing. This last element gains in the cities complex contours and guides its space arrangement imposing.

The circulation also is an essential element mainly because, so that the life in the cities occurs is necessary that the people for it circulate. However, it is on the aspect of the production that if it intends to observe the dynamics of the urban space more happens frequently. The production mentions the activities to it in the daily life of the people who live in the city and in it they act, and the space arrangement of decurrent them. Amongst the many activities produced for the man it is observed of leisure, of education, work and rest. The activities of work because atreladas the economic objectives they confer to the production paper of prominence in the configuration of the urban space dynamics. Space and economic activity closely are related and as typical activities of the urban economy, agree to cite to on a industry and the commerce. The commerce withholds north-eastern of Brazil, particularly in the Maranho, an excellent function. Considering itself that the region ‘ ‘ it was colonized in function of a economy of exportation, directed toward the European market, is natural that in it if it has developed, since the first times, intense activity comercial.’ ‘ (ANDRADE, 1987, P. 134) ‘ ‘ The responsible economic system for the regional occupation, being come back toward the external market and later also for the market of other regions of the country, made with that the great regional polar regions, the urban centers of bigger dinamicidade, were the ports – So Lus, $fortaleza, Recife, Salvador.