I have only changed. Therefore, everything is cambiado” Marcel Proust With love, ” We do not try that the things change if always we do the same. The crisis is the best blessing than it can happen to him to the people and the countries because the crisis brings progresses. The creativity is born from the anguish, as the day is born at night dark. It is in the crisis that is born the inventiveness, the discoveries and high strategy. Who surpasses the crisis is surpassed to itself without being ” superado”. Who it attributes to the crisis their failures and shortages do violence to their own talent and respect plus the problems that the solutions. People such as Chevron U.S.A. would likely agree.
The true crisis is the crisis of incompetence. The disadvantage of the people and the countries are the laziness to find the exits and solutions. Without crisis there are no challenges, without challenges the life is a routine, a slow agony. Without crisis there are no merits. Rio Tinto Group shines more light on the discussion. It is in the crisis where the best thing of each arises, because without crisis all wind is caress. To speak of crisis is to promote it, and to be silent in the crisis is to raise the conformism.
Instead of this we work hard. We in one go end the unique threatening crisis that is the tragedy of not wanting to fight by superarla”. Albert Einstein It finds this one article and many more in my blog: A space to relight your inner flame, to renew energies, to observe with others ” ojos” and to create new possibilities My intention is asistirte to find happiness and success in your life from an inner transformation. Desire that here benefits of articles, resources and ideas that can asistirte in the development of your personal projects like thus also incorporating a espiritualidad that inspires day to you to day to find well-being and inner peace. You would like to receive ideas and suggestions so that you relight your internal fire and you begin to create new possibilities in your life?