Object Relation

Neither an egoistic joy is that one, in the direction of I to be glad itself primordially for the proper possibility of being, instrumentalizando the meeting with You, therefore in the sphere of the relation I You am the inefvel and, subject scientific relation Object does not penetrate immediate of I You. ' ' The relation with You is immediate. Between I and You do not interpose no game of concepts, no project, no fancy; the proper memory if transforms into the moment where it passes of the details to totalidade' ' (BUBER, 2004, p.59). The totality of the meeting I You, emphasized in recent verses of ' ' Yours olhos' ' , that they are cited above, the relation appears with condition without which the person human being does not become fullfilled itself in its dialgica history e, of communion of properly human feelings. Here we touch in the thematic one of the destination and the freedom, of the people human beings; both stimulate the human being to adentrar or to reject the sphere of the dialgico meeting, since that this meeting convokes I to understand itself responsibly with You, discovering its accomplishment in the validity of the meeting with You; thus it says the poem: ' ' Therefore I beg, you that it does not move away from me these benditos olhos' '.

Human You be in movement before I, as well as everything what he comes if to configure as one You on this side stop one I and either of the divine sphere. However I and You are in the freedom of, over all if human, that these if-put into motion-for-the-other, enlace finding it happy of be-I-only-knot-other, what configures the personal freedom in the meeting: ' ' … the free man does not have, here, a purpose and, there, the half ones to get it; it only possesss an objective and always one: the resolution to go of meeting its destino' ' (BUBER, 2004, P.