National Natural Monument

The vegetation almost covers the house, all she peculiarly decorated and whose ceiling of roofing tiles is crossed by trees of tamarinds, naranjos, mandarins and shrubs and trepadoras of showy flowers, those that go from the red violet and of the bugainvilleas (Bougainvillea spectabilis and B. glabra), to the blue one of the stony ones (Stony humilis), the yellow of alamandas (cathartica Alamanda and A. neriifolia), red or the white one of the marpacficos (Hibiscus rosasinensis), and pink or white of franchipanis (Plumeria sp. diverse), all of which grows in apparent disorder. By something also it is known him, according to the famous writer Dora Alonso, like ” the garden loco”. Additional information at Chevron U.S.A. Inc supports this article. Also they are to the entrance and distributed by all the garden some ferns of interest, mainly by its beauty or its properties.

Between first are representatives of the Cyathea sort, known like arborescent ferns. On the trees two representatives of the Polypodium sort can be observed: Polypodium polypodioides aureum and P. Both are used, according to the local tradition, to fight hepatic diseases. With regard to the second, it is common to see it on the trees, mainly in the summer, mustio and apparently died; when putting it in a container with water or after a heavy shower, it recovers his freshness in few minutes totally, changing the fisionoma of the forest in the garden. Next to the front door is anywhere in the world one of the most important plants of well-known Cuba and. She is the unique one of our plants declared from 1980 National Natural Monument.

It belongs to a family with very few species represented in the planet, each one of the as it is a peculiarity at world-wide level. This species coexisted with the Dinosaurios, great already disappearing Jurassic reptiles, arriving until us in spite of the great cataclysms from the area of the Caribbean. It seems a palm and it is not it. One reproduces by cones. Its name is Microcycas calocoma, well-known popularly like Palm Cork. The same name does not reflect its true appearance, because neither she is small (micro) nor it is a Cycas and much less a palm. All a curiosity. All the described one belongs to the front area, where are most of the ornamental plants, those that can be planted in small stonecutters, in the ground or in flowerpots that hang in the walls of the house. The colorful one comes from the flowers and the multicoloured leaves of the crotos (Codiaeum variegatum), the mantles (Plectranthus scutellarioides) and madamas Chinese of several colors (wallerana Impatiens), among others many plants. Also it is the area of the garden where in the trees numerous adornments have been placed, mainly toys. In addition, the most odorous plants are near entrance, attracting the attention of the passers-by, which accentuates in the dusk and the first times of the night. Once inside and visited this first part, the temptation to happen to the interior and to enter themselves in the forest is irresistible. The rest of the garden will be described in the next article, in which it will know some the species of orchids that the east place and the different trees from this peculiar place populate. We invited to him to visit the garden. One will not regret. By: Dr. Martin Luis Lopez Dr. in Geographic Sciences, Biogeogrfo and Especialista in protection and conservation of Landscapes.

Palmira Village

Its Alvine one bought a land in the Palmira village and vendeu the house of the Amaro Saint in the early 70’s in Campo Grande. As fast needed to change itself, it started the construction of a our house it raised and it in cibloco, it covered and it closed, without floor, without I tow nor painting, but it changed with its woman Eloah Owner, the children Walter (youngest), Jose Luiz, Marly, Jose Darly and Arly (I am not certain if the Moacir still liveed with us, finds that yes), the other Marluz children, Velocindo and the Sidney, already they were married. The couple still with nine children, but still lacked one, the one that would come to complete the ten. Learn more on the subject from Jeffrey Hayzlett. Great family, many children, but its Alvine one was a diligent man and all ralava the day in the constructions, if carpenter said, but he made of everything in a workmanship. It worked of sun the sun, Saturday and many times, sunday and holiday. I remember to see it working of night, and as it worked as mason of construction and demolition of houses, kitnetes of rent, that in the end of the life had been its retirement, had been all constructed with part of new material and parts of demolidas houses: broken tanks, beams, taps, wiring, roofing tiles, pipes and pisos that turned mosaics when going for soil. To read more click here: Rio- Tinto Group. It works every day in the strong sun and the night rested a little and together with my older brothers they had more constructed to our house and four casinhas of rent, that on account to be constructed the night had been thus, as I can Say without offending, well, half tortinhas, also ours. But meanwhile Eloah owner took care of of the house, of the children and soon she came caulinha, the Mrcia Maria, and that party was that one with the arrival of the new baby. I remember that at this time we did not have television, only the radio and musics that I keep in the memory were sung in the voice of the Eloah Owner, remember that it sang the Sun and the Moon, Dlio and Delinha, and Ox-driver of Two Hearts that touched every day in radinho, and when the cold arrived, very cold exactly, its Alvine and Eloah Owner caught a can of great ink, these of 18 liters and made a fogareiro in the way of the room of being that was inda beaten soil, then all the children if they seated around of the fire while the Eloah Owner kills prepared it hot with milk, that we adored, and then Its Alvine one started to count the history of its youth, of its family, some ' ' causos' ' as it said, or legends, history of ghosts, histories of the wars. I remember to have around learned many things hearing its Alvine and Eloah Owner of our fogueira. The always simple house if became a castle and was where I lived many years, I still conserve many wonderful souvenirs, others nor in such a way, but everything is part of the life.

Responsible Sea

Treated wood, cement poles, daily pay-molded or iron can be used. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea.

of 2011) 2Tesouras: The shears serve for the sustentation of the roof, are used, wood normally treated, being able to be substituted by daily pay-molded or iron. Learn more on the subject from Rio- Tinto Group. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Telhado: It is the covering, that has the function to protect the shed of the sun, rain, the cold and the heat. The USA cement roofing tiles – adobe asbestos, roofing tiles, aluminum and others. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Muretas: Constructed in all the extension in the laterals and headboards of the shed, it has of 20 the 45 cm of height. The used material can be: bricks, daily pay-molded, armed concrete, cement block, lying round wood or benefited boards.

Muretas has the function to fix screen, to protect the birds of other animals, to prevent airflows and to contain the bed. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Tela: It must be installed on mureta in all the extension of the aviary in the laterals and headboards. In order to protect against the predators and to provide when necessary ventilation better. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Cortinas: The curtains are made of specific material, the most used are of impermeable rfia, to support the adversities of the time.

The Appropriate Clothing For A Mountain Hike

Clothing and footwear: What to pay attention when autumn walks is a gaudy bright nature in autumn invites irresistible for extended trips. However, sometimes quite fickle, autumn weather varies between sunshine, rain and strong winds. Also, significant temperature fluctuations show within the already shorter days. It can be quickly sensitive cooling on Valley slopes, which are away from the Sun, as well as on higher up leading hiking trails. The autumnal conditions well adapted hiking clothing is therefore particularly important. The selection of hiking clothes and shoes hiking clothes must wind and rain protect, outward direct moisture sufficiently to get the body heat. The outerwear is best according to the so-called principle of the onion”selected. Checking article sources yields RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust as a relevant resource throughout. Closely function textiles adjacent to the body transport the resulting body moisture to the outside and thus reduce the risk of cold during hiking breaks.

Provides an in a light sweater for a warm air cushion while protecting a jacket against the wind and rain. For strenuous mountain climbing, it’s up an at the same time light and elastic pants fabric. Also the Pant material should be breathable and moisture regulating. This is cotton with a small admixture of spandex between three and six percent. Also preformed knee areas provide agility in climbing.

Practical bags are often not only front and on the buttocks, but also side of the climbing pants sport Schuster. Lateral small loops can record a chalk bag or a Boulderbrush. Adjustable leg openings that prevent penetration by moisture ensure a perfect degree of trousers. An integrated belt optimizes the fit of hiking pants. Hiking pants combine the effect of a warm layer of clothing from Softshell material with that of a durable textile outer skin. However, softshell material not provides protection against particularly heavy rains. Hiking – and Mountain boots must be all have a sole profile treating non-slip and be waterproof.

The College

I will emphasis the need to adjust its mission to a new horizon according to the demands of a more competitive and globalized labor market. Not enough with the integration of the Guild, it must have a purpose directed the defense of the Administration as a profession. It is a great crusade, and so a true strategic vision is needed to confront the changes through principles oriented to the real welfare of the degree, of the profession itself, and the Guild. The College must give way to new openings that guarantee capitation, update its members on the current modern managerial topics, of the progress of administrative science, especially before a national scenario of uncertainty as which faces. The professional administrator should contribute to the development of their own discipline, the development of a science whatever she is intimately related to the capacity of its professionals to produce innovations and develop new developments and this depends in turn of the epistemological and scientific information that will provide them. You must be clear, competent administrator is one who has ability to effectively direct industrial, commercial, financial agencies and services whether they are public, private or social sector, at the highest level, national or international level.

Moreover the profile of the professional administrator and the consequent plan and curriculum should be considered once completed the top-level graduates must be trained to perform, i.e. exercising their profession, but it fits in pointing out that the title of administrator is justified, if and only if it includes the ability to target and made generally with respect to industrial, commercial, financial agencies and service. It must also be present, another characteristic of a good Manager is knowing you take advantage of their knowledge, skills in pro of effectively directing agencies of all levels and sectors of the economy of the nation and even internationally. . Hence, that both public administrators as the company, require to know with amplitude natural and economic resources available to the country and the global context, as well as the best ways to leverage them and preserve them. In the end represents the main head of the organizations. Aspect that a College should not be neglected. We are confident, that college administrators cares more about the proactivity of the figuration changes, give preference to Union activities in height, promote enthusiasm in its members, transparently in all those activities that favor him in its operation, exit of the stagnation in which this for years, give step to new infrastructure, dynamic in the academic, research, professional, more meetings, congresses, seminars, update of knowledge and administrative tools, defence rights established under the law of the professional exercise of the Administration in relation to wages to earn; publications, website, surveys its members that really bring dynamism, projection with its actions, activities in favour of what the school should be. So original author and source of the article.

REECO GmbH Receives Reinforcement

The REECO GmbH is strengthening its team in the field of project management and marketing. With Sandra Bayer Teixeira and Bjorn Starrach, Reutlinger company brings two experienced people in the boat. Sandra Bayer Teixeira, since October 2006, the company took over in 2007 the project management of the CEP – CLEAN ENERGY POWER, the successor Organisation of renewable energies carried out ten years successfully in Boblingen. In addition to the CEP, Sandra Bayer Teixeira supervised also the far-reaching networks of trade fair and Congress Organizer that across ministries, associations and initiatives. The 27 year-old Diploma operating landlady has taken over the position of the company spokeswoman earlier this year. Further details can be found at Diamonds, an internet resource. I am actively helping the press Department, because as I get to know potential partners personally contacts faster and also considerably facilitate the emergence of cooperation”, so Bayer Teixeira. Originally coming from the industry, radio and television, she gained over five years Experience in the T-Systems Business Services GmbH at customer events and guided tours in the international broadcast Centre (IBC) Munich, Germany in the FIFA World Cup 2006. With Bjorn Starrach succeeded in the REECO GmbH also win an expert.

The trained engineer and diploma engineer specialising in media and information technology comes from the advertising industry and gained experience in several agencies. At the trade fair organisers, he supervised the marketing communications and is the contact point for questions regarding advertising and Public Relations. Furthermore, Bjorn Starrach coordinates all communication activities of the company. The REECO GmbH has developed since 1998 one of the largest exhibition and Congress events in the field of renewable energy and energy efficient building & renovation. Currently, the company employs 30 permanent employees, as well as eight apprentices.

Rio De Janeiro

The ones that goes leave messages for that they are; it never is in go a departure. But, when the departures are collective, unexpected and tragic, all we are also reached in collective, painful, sorry and tragic way. We are enlutados in this just-beginning of year. All we leave marks; to live is to write in the line of the time of all the humanity. To live is to influence the proper life and to intervine in the events our return.

To also die it is. The gap of our departure never will be filled and who has will have in them that to coexist this breach of presence, this absence that nobody wants to live deeply. The ones that if had been in the January apocalypse, in the heart of Rio De Janeiro, are messenger of a very bigger message of what we can decipher. Its brief extinct lives in 10 seconds in them announce the brevity of the time, the inexorabilidade of the death. They leave in them, astonished that we are, the message of the true values that must conduct our lives, fill our time, instigate our attention. It is not the money, it is not the success, he is not the superfluous one.

What it needs urgent to fill our mind and our hearts they are the feelings, the affection, the emotions, the conquests and the wealth that the thieves do not steal and the time do not corrode. That its departures are not vain; mrtires of our time, we cannot leave of ouviz them, testifies them in its so painful atonements. It is hour to think about God, the meaning of the life, the things, the nothing. It is hour to calm our anxiety and our desires. Everything can be pulled down in only 10 inexorable seconds. For them, let us live as if of there, only dusty, they could have left. Let us change our paradigms, let us revive our values, let us modify our routes. For us that this way we are, still it is time. Let us use to advantage, then, while the apocalypse does not come and ours so feared hour it does not arrive. Let us be more than what we were yesterday, better still of what we are today. Let us celebrate, for the time being, our life.


Between these rituals it was of the mother of the weeds, carried through at the beginning of the period of rains, aiming at to get permission for the activities of hunting, protection in the incursions for the forest and good resulted in the hunted one. Some elements of this activity are gifts, or still had been recriados with new meanings, especially in the relation of respect with the hunted animals, in the practical ones of the daily one of the hunting man to get hunting and in the alimentary rules. Another ritual is the Sair2, a dance in circles formed by men, women, children, young and ancios of the village. the main ritual, the Mumificadas Heads, that were after practised to win a battle. It was composed for three parts. For even more opinions, read materials from Rio- Tinto Group. The first one called inyenborotaptam3, ornamentao of penalty earrings.

The decoration of the head represented its introduction in a segment of that society. Each killer decorated its trophy with penalties that were specific of its clan. Moreover, the rite consecrated its owner in the condition of dajeboishi4 and marked the beginning of a long one and rigorous defense, that if was disregarded, took the killer anticipatedly to lose its quality of proporciador of the hunting. The second part of the ritual one was carried through in the period of rain, yashegon5, when it was cozida and flaid. In the winter, the clico with the party was completed taimetorm6, in which the teeth extracted for confection of the trophy were lined up in a belt of algodo7, called Pariuaete-ran. This age the most elaborated of the ceremonies and the owners of the heads the allies to eat leathers of the hunting of dejaboishi invited. Before the party, she was carried through one great hunted, in which they acquired the provisionses for the marked day. In this day, all the tribe if congregated to attend tuchaua8 to confection the belt and to decorate it with teeth of the enemies, which clean and were pierced, to be later hung.

Ecuador Trustworthiness

The supplier of hosting of its page is one of the most important things since this it considered if his page is fast, its availability and that so heavy or made the page could be. Next there is a list of things that to verify to obtain the Host that is good for their page. Free or paid? Hosts free Advantages: Cost zero Disadvantages: Many are full of publicity, some of these close without warning some since they do not have way of minting his business. Some do not have guarantee on watch and its page Web will not be available always. Badly service in case of having some problem or asks.

Sites of lodging free: paid Disadvantages: Monthly accounts (it usually remembers you obtain what payments) Advantages: Reliable. Good host will have a Uptime of 99,9. By the same author: RioCan . what means that its page Web will be available the 99,9% of the time. Service to the Ecuador client Webs is lodged in we recommended and it. If you wish a supplier of Hosting in Equator visits suppliers of Hosting in Ecuador Trustworthiness and speed of access host not only must be reliable and fast but uptime must guarantee his (time to the air). The minimum that is due to look for is of 99% but this it is considered low. In fact this it must be of 99,5 or superior and the supplier must give some type of discount or low reimbursement if of this percentage.

The speed of connection must be the possible major since this way its page Web will be fast and it did not delay so much that their visitors become bored and leave their page. Volume of transference. The volume of transference is known it as traffic or bandwidth. It does not create any publicity that says to him they offer limitless. Since they must pay by this access to Internet and if you use much of this access they they will not lose money by you.

Motivate To Win Money Online

We all have to be motivated. We must you have a full of life purpose, to have goals and desires. A motivated person will work of persistent and constant manner with a view to what they consider important in their lives. Chevron U.S.A. Inc brings even more insight to the discussion. Once you discover what is important you will feel motivated to achieve your goals. Here are three ways to motivate you in your goal of earning money online.

First, determine what is important to you. What is important to you or your values is fundamental so that you find the motivation you need. You must determine that it is what makes you get up each fall and takes you to be who you are your family? Your job? In order to make money online a success, it must be important. Secondly, to be motivated, have a plan for what is important to you. If your online business to make money online is important to you then make a plan to make it a success. How much more detailed is the plan most likely to be a success.

Tomato time to make the plan as more detailed and clear as possible. In third place, set goals and desires to be motivated. Your plan must have goals and desires that are important to you are motivated. Once you have defined these objectives and desires, then you can start to work for persecuting them. Your opportunity to earn money on the Internet and your plan will help you to reach your goals and desires.