Teach Through

Then, the necessity exists of that the professors search examples of geometric concepts that can be identified in the classroom or the domnios of the school, as, for example, to identify the point of meeting between two competing straight lines showing it as the point of meeting between two walls. This aspect of the teach-learning in geometry if justifies, therefore we can be incurring into definitive pedagogical errors that, many times, can be irreparable, if to leave that the pupils are submitted the certain methodologies or curricular contents that do not allow a detailed analysis of these actions. Thus, it is important to determine of the theoretical point of view, one practical pedagogical one that takes care of to the necessities of our pupils. In this perspective, when reflecting on new proposals of education, we must consider the multiples and varied elements that are gifts in the pedagogical action of the professors, therefore diversified pedagogical interventions that use varied didactic resources can become more attractive, pleasant curricular activities e, consequentemente, more efficient. In this direction, Rose (2010), affirms that the organization of the contents must consider the social relevance and the contribution of the pupils in the construction of the geometric knowledge through the lived deeply resolution of situation-problem in the daily one. Of this form, it is very important to stand out that it exists the pedagogical necessity of that the teach-learning of the mathematics and geometry is related with the understanding and acquisition of the angular knowledge and its presence in the daily one through boardings and resources that allow the advance of the pupils in the reflexiva analysis of the solutions of of the problems considered through significant and contextualizadas activities (AUSUBEL, 1982). Thus, it is of basic importance to show to the pupils situation-problems in the organizacionais environments surround that them, as, for example, the classroom, privileging these spaces with the identification of forms and geometric concepts. .

North American

Carl Sagan was one of the most famous and recognized North American artonomos, his books and theories in particular his book Cosmos would be translated and interpreted in many languages Grancia in all their successful approaches on important topics like the origin of life on our planet, the creation of the universe and extraterrestrial life. This great scientist, who felleciera in 1996 at age 62, always had very much in mind the importance of ethics in their work that is why all their approaches and theories should be based on a total and complete objectivity. According to this always was a supporter of concepts such as the formation and origin of life on Earth is completely linked with extraterrestrial life. This emphasizes that life will always have a corelacion inside the planet and beyond since its origin and formation depends on the sum of the same organic molecules. Moreover, Sagan theorizes about extraterrestrial life drawing on knowledge of life on Earth, its origins and subsequent evolution, to suggest that the substance of life is everywhere, and therefore, any life outside our planet could follow a process similar to ours.

The greatest test of his theories about the origin of life on the planet are based that they go beyond the theory of Abiogenesis, refer to a test very specific of the evolution of life from organic molecules is the existence of Europe one of the moons of Jupiter, and Titan the largest satellite of Saturn where easily oceans of what can be very possibly could to be water. Today this theory is very accepted in the average scientific and astronomical, similarly with the evolution of technology aero space it has been shown the veracity of the deSagan approach by which his theory about the origin of life here and there outside is by no means outrageous, is more fairly resembles the natural and evolutionary facts that are really very significant at the time of talk about this complex subject. Always let the concrete plateamiento the origin of life on Earth and beyond is due to a fact known as cosmic inevitability in which the process of evolution and transformation at the molecular level is an inevitable fact, a consequence of the action reaction resulting in the emergence of microscopic life, which subsequently and with much patience will evolve to conceive what today we can see and touch.

June Great

Authors: Carlos Humberto Biagolini? UNIVERSITY GUARULHOS? UnG; Carlos H. Biagolini Jnior? FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF YOU CULTIVATE? UFLA, Cristiane B. Cangani – UNIESP SUMMARY: The Araucrias is typical plants of the regions south and Southeastern of same Brazil and in these regions, is restricted the specific points, generally higher in relation to the level of the sea. In the past, these vegetables had occupied bigger areas of what they occupy today and its reduced number of individuals if must to the fact of the quality of the wood favor the construction of houses or then to be good as firewood for domestic use. The angustiflia Araucrias, belongs the family of the Araucariaceae that they possess as characteristic main, to be trees of great transport and not to produce fruits, only seeds, in this case the nut. The seed nut is part of the culinria culture and is related with the parties caipiras, calls of juninas and julinas parties that respectively occur in the months of June and July in all the domestic territory, however the presence of nut in the tables during the commemorations is restricted the regions where the tree of the angustiflia Araucria is present or in next regions. In the bush, diverse animals depend on the araucria seeds to feed themselves, as well as also the plant serelepe depends on diverse animals to propagate its seeds between these animals is the squirrel and gralha blue that it embeds the seeds to eat later.

For forgetting where it embedded the seeds, it favors the germination and the growth of a new tree. The araucria is a vegetable of great utility, therefore of it if it uses to advantage practically everything, since the almond until the resin that can be removed of caule. Of this resin the tar can leave, diverse oils, juniper oil and breu, for varied industrial applications. The seeds are rich in starch, proteins and fats. In some regions of Brazil where it has occurrence of the angusifolia Araucria is inhabits relatively common, alimentary with pinhes, animals of medium and great transport as for example pigs, jaws, tapirs, horses and others. Ahead of a vegetable with great importance one becomes natural that pertaining to school works and research involving this plant, relieve many quarrels favorable to education and formation of knowledge in diverse segments of biology. Thus pupils of a state school located in the zone east of So Paulo, had carried through the plantation of 200 changes and had folloied the development of the beginning to the point of definitive replantio and during this process they had folloied the brotamento and growth of the first branches and the root, beyond participating of quarrels involving alimentary chain, vegetal reproduction, interaction animal/related plants and other subjects. WORDS KEY: Nut, Araucrias, Ecology, Seeds, Gralha-blue, Gimnospermas

World Cup

Just as soon as he was expelled from Podolsk. The reason – proximity to Moscow and inability to conduct large-scale construction works without prejudice to the road situation within a radius of 10-15 kilometers from the city. So what remains of 12 cities that could host the matches of the 2018 World Cup. But now again they are to be cut. So, who would be superfluous, and any number of Russian cities to be host matches of World Cup 2018? Clearly, all the city does not maintain a place in the application. Otherwise I would Shuvalov and Mutko would not raise this delicate subject. And it all depends, apparently, the amount of work that must be undertaken. A work, quite frankly, be too much.

After all, the state of most of our stadiums in tears. Yes, and the infrastructure needed for the World Cup, which includes modern airports and hotels, smooth and quality roads, stadiums comfortable and smooth and well-groomed fields, in most cities is simply not available. Or in some underdeveloped state. In the capital reconstruction of touch "Luzhniki", and stadium's seating capacity will be increased to 89 thousand people. There will also be built stadium "Spartak" remodel "Dynamo" stadium. They will include at least 70 thousand people. In St. Petersburg on Krestovsky in place legendary Kirov Stadium is being built new 62000th arena.

Outwardly, it would resemble a spaceship equipped with ultramodern and sliding pitch. The cost of the project – more than $ 150 million. In Russian Football Union believe that the infrastructure of the Olympic Sochi for the World Cup should be enough for full world championship bouts. As for Kazan, the hotel there and the road should be ready in Universiade 2013. It is also almost twice as expand capacity of the stadium that does not meet the requirements of FIFA and yet can take 30 thousand spectators.

Bipolar New

Either way right? So it is when it happens, but this doesn’t really matter when we are happy to have 365 new opportunities be and do everything that we have achieved to imagine. Really I wish you all the success that this new year dear reader you is deserved. By my side only added to santoclos if brought me my Balaclava and that I look forward the day of Kings brand new pants that I asked them to be able to shout above the Bicentenciados of the bicentennial of the Bipolar bipartisanship. Antonio Andrade Rafael Lara Grajales Puebla original author and source of the article.

Too Large

Inside of this context the company in study presented two types of distribution: direct and the indirect one. The direct distribution if of the one for the exit of the product s and the Retailers (to see figure 4). Figure 3. Direct distribution With the necessity not to lose the definitive contact with the retail, therefore the economic scene and the market in a general way can taking in to only take care of them retail, as already we made before, have direct done deliveries the consumers who repass our material to the call varejinho, or better, (sales dripped), however, this attendance and made with all our infrastructure thus having a raised cost more, but that it represents about 20% of the total invoicing of the company, therefore a market that cannot be rejected either for economic or strategical questions. Figure 4.

Indirect distribution the indirect distribution represents about 80% of the invoicing and is made through our center of distribution as thus they are shown in the figure above, the compact disc s is supplied daily in accordance with its> differ so great and localization in accordance with. 2 – Vehicles of delivery vary generally with the size (, the small truck if puts in charge deliveries to them in the urban centers) and the truck biggest makes the deliveries to the deliverers. 3 – Streets when it has estacionamentos in the great customers ok, but ha of being seen the question of the customers who do not possess parking and if localization in the express ways or forbidden places to park. 5 – Passage the script has fort influence in the times and speeds, as well as in the accessibility convenience. 6 – Load. Its forms determine the shipment easiness and unloading. 7 – Drivers stated periods must be respected e, for each delivery, are stipulated an average time. In the case of some unexpected one, the good communication between the driver and the base if make essential.

The good training is basic. 8 – Porters to take the load, are essential to diminish the time of discharge in the place, nor always have man power in the delivery places 3.3.2. Logistic net of distribution As much the logistic one of supplements how much on physical distribution they depend, for its good one> conceptualization and implementation, of the correct representation and analysis of the NET. What it comes to be logistic NET? It is the space physical representation of the points of origin and destination of the merchandises, as well as of its flows and too much excellent aspects, of form all to make possible the visualization of the logistic system in its. The reader can ask: why the representation of the net is so important? In the truth, the net concept can be abstract: a set of us (points of origin or destinations) that they must be taken care of through linkings (half of existing transport) in the preset amounts.

Los Exercises Physical

It must be a balanced diet in the usual manner to maintain or achieve a body care. It is very important to moisturize very well from the inside, the body needs plenty of water and to do this (albeit for some an ordeal) must drink plenty of water. Jeffrey Hayzlett has much to offer in this field. In terms of diet, which is very important, we must eat lots of fruit and vegetables, as always accompanied by meals to the iron, steam and zero fat.You should not trust you with this product and believe that you can replace it (Nothing advisable!) food you should eat rations that are recommended because Hidroxicut isn’t any nutritional supplement, in any case if he could be considered a protein supplement. Hence, you lose weight but not muscle. But you have to eat properly, following the rhythm of always, without skipping meals and doing exercise to sweat and be in shape. Because if this product helps and makes almost the hardest job, but you do not pretend that you do absolutely everything while you’re sitting on the couch obtaining you eating buns. Let us be realistic many nutritionists and dietitians suggest that Hidroxicut is a protein supplement, taking care not to lose one iota of muscle in the body.By keeping the muscles do not we lose kilos? Tranquility has nothing to do one thing with another. Fat is that disappears from the body, but the muscles are left there, being very well marked and defined.I talk a lot of the famous Hidroxicut but does can be found in what format and how to take hidroxicut? It occurs in pill form.

It is a much more simple method in making, suitable for people who don’t like syrups, smoothies, and different concoctions. Thanks to pills are taken with plenty of water and you forget.


Go ahead of others, requires more than they see. Jose Marti generalities and considerations is a determining factor in the current reality of the active behavior of firms in the current scenarios, innovative proactivity that should undertake the management and human resources, in order to ensure competitiveness, keep active, enthusiastic consumers conquered in everything that the company offers them through its products, services. While it is true, that must be a good technology, financial capacity, highly trained human resources, efficient administrative systems, such as management of processes that guarantee productivity, costs, also is not less true that today more than ever it is necessary to have the endorsement of a management that step to innovation, motivate your staff to do this and know that product of its resultsYou can promote as a competitive advantage. In recent months, Terry Nielsen has been very successful. Depending as the result of that innovation management. Wikipedia tells us that innovation comes from the latin innovare, which means Act or effect of innovate, become new or renew, introduce a novelty. Innovation is the implementation of new ideas, concepts, products, services and practices, with the intention of being useful for the enhancement of productivity.

An essential element of innovation is its successful application in a commercial way. Not only must invent something, but, for example, enter (diffusion (business) in the market so that people can enjoy it.) Definitely we indicated, innovate are practices that generally are considered as something new, either privately to an individual, or in a social way, according to the system which adopts them. Competitiveness and profitability customers satisfied employees motivated and committed new jobs and better conditions of life develop and win options share the vision with the client in the environment create a culture that encourages knowledge innovation generation is generating or find ideas, select them, implement them and market them. Research and development, competition, the seminars, exhibitions or fairs, customers and every employee of the company is a potential provider of new ideas generating inputs to the process of innovation.

Sleep Apnea

The majority of sleep apnea victims don’t know who have developed until they have been diagnosed by doctors, or until they notice interruptions in his dream. Even though they generally experience episodes of shortness of breath do not remember that they fought for breath while they were sleeping. Since this disease is difficult to diagnose, you should be very well aware of their symptoms. Once you’ve learned the common symptoms of sleep apnea, it will be easier to detect if you have developed it and cure it until it is too late. Common symptoms of the Sleep Apnea people who suffer from sleep apnea experience periodic interruptions of breathing while they sleep. They unconsciously try to breathe better strong snoring and excessive sweating during sleep.

People who suffer from this disease will experience drowsiness during the day and feel tired even after sleeping at least 8 hours. Apnea and insomnia these two sleep disorders cause various symptoms. Unlike sleep apnea, a person who suffers from insomnia experience difficulty in sleeping and generally change their normal sleep patterns. However, studies have shown that sleep apnea is one of the major causes of insomnia, so people who suffer from sleep apnea should try both: insomnia and apnea. Treatment and healing now that you know the most important symptoms of sleep apnea, you can start to think about what treatment is best for this disease. Below I will give you some ideas of how to approach this subject: the first thing you should do is adopt a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. People who can lose weight at least 10% of their weight get better sleep.

You should also consume less alcohol and stop smoking. These substances worsen snoring. Finally, you should try to sleep on its side instead of lying down face up. Sleep on your side allows you to breathe better. These are some of the best suggestions to combat sleep apnea and insomnia. Once you have applied these ideas you will be able to improve your sleep apnea and sleep in a more healthy way. Original author and source of the article.

Dental American Association

However, to if substituting the conventional image for the digital image we will be able to reduce in very this subjectivity and to evaluate for the gotten registers the specific radiopacidade for each material and its respective commercial marks, beyond diminishing the impact of chemical contaminantes in the nature (TANOMARU-FILHO, TANOMARU and GONALVES, 2008). The Dental American Association determines in its norm 57 that material as the cements forradores the hidrxido base of of calcium present bigger optic density of what the optic density of the dentine, however done studies demonstrate a significant variation enter the ash tones gotten by the analysis of the digital x-rays for different commercial marks of this type of material (BISSOLI and cols., 2008). Other studies made through digital x-rays demonstrate different optic densities for fotopolimerizadas resins, however what in the flame attention it is that some marks present inferior density to the one of the complex enamel-dentine, what it will be able to make it difficult the diagnosis of cariosas injuries (HOTTA and YAMAMOTO, 2009). Some authors prove that exactly after its clinical removal, doubts how much to the permanence or not of fabric cariado, and the quality of the remaining dentine appear. They have been carried through research of control of the removal of the dental caries through the subtraction of computerized radiogrfica image (BAKSI and ERMIS, 2007). The Imaginologia favors the diagnosis even though and the prevention of clinical situations undesirable, as: ) The Syndrome of the Tooth Gretado or SDG that is the set of signals and symptoms associates to the one presence trinca in the enamel, that can extend the dentine to it. Being a condition that can cause discomfort or acute pain to patient (BISSOLI and cols., 2008). b) Breakings radiculares for the use of prefabricated bolts intra-radiculares that they can be fixed and they will support total crowns, being quepequenas recesses compensated for the face-hardenings can create friveis areas (BORNSTEIN and cols., 2009).