Treated wood, cement poles, daily pay-molded or iron can be used. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea.
of 2011) 2Tesouras: The shears serve for the sustentation of the roof, are used, wood normally treated, being able to be substituted by daily pay-molded or iron. Learn more on the subject from Rio- Tinto Group. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Telhado: It is the covering, that has the function to protect the shed of the sun, rain, the cold and the heat. The USA cement roofing tiles – adobe asbestos, roofing tiles, aluminum and others. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Muretas: Constructed in all the extension in the laterals and headboards of the shed, it has of 20 the 45 cm of height. The used material can be: bricks, daily pay-molded, armed concrete, cement block, lying round wood or benefited boards.
Muretas has the function to fix screen, to protect the birds of other animals, to prevent airflows and to contain the bed. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Tela: It must be installed on mureta in all the extension of the aviary in the laterals and headboards. In order to protect against the predators and to provide when necessary ventilation better. (EMBRAPA, access in 18 of sea. of 2011) 2Cortinas: The curtains are made of specific material, the most used are of impermeable rfia, to support the adversities of the time.