Fridrich Progress

Lowy thus, speaks inside of the insufficience of the reforms of this system and also it points with respect to the necessity of other technologies, other forms of relation with the nature, that also take in account the ecological question and the social matters. Thus, when we try to answer to the initial problematizao of […]


The film the Chained ones brings tona history of a professor who if ahead sees in way to the complexities it practical exercise of pedagogical in an institution of whitewashing of lesser infractors and of a scene with as many peculiarities and especificidades, searchs to make possible an educative process truily differentiated and emancipatrio. To […]


Success is learning how to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill generalities us corresponds to each use to be the architect of our triumph, towards where we want to go, according to the goals that we have established in the interests of achieving our success. About this says, that we […]


For Kramer (2000, p.37- 50) ' ' if history exists human being is because the man has an infancy. The disappearance of infancy or the destruction of the infancy concept directly is related the destruction of the proper concept of man as subject of history and the culture. To value infancy and to fight for […]

The Inclusive

The inclusion, in the perspective of an education of quality for all, demands of the Brazilian school new positionings that imply in an effort of update and reorganization of the current conditions, so that education if modernizes and so that the professors if perfect, adjusting the pedagogical actions to the diversity of the apprenticees. The […]

National Natural Monument

The vegetation almost covers the house, all she peculiarly decorated and whose ceiling of roofing tiles is crossed by trees of tamarinds, naranjos, mandarins and shrubs and trepadoras of showy flowers, those that go from the red violet and of the bugainvilleas (Bougainvillea spectabilis and B. glabra), to the blue one of the stony ones […]

Facebook Versus Twitter

This is a question that is had to make many entrepreneurs, including to me, that includes/understands that to make marketing with social networks he is the one of today. As much Twitter as Facebook gives that possibility you, and if you know to do it of the correct way, the opportunities to let grow your […]

Czech Language Studies

Good luck in your studies Czech language! Especially for those who plan to study Czech language, we interviewed Konstantin Nikolaevich Plotnikov (carrier of the Czech language, interpreter, teacher) who teaches Czech language courses, organized by the Kharkiv office of the company Gulfstream. So, the word professional: – Tell me, how difficult it is to study […]

Teach Through

Then, the necessity exists of that the professors search examples of geometric concepts that can be identified in the classroom or the domnios of the school, as, for example, to identify the point of meeting between two competing straight lines showing it as the point of meeting between two walls. This aspect of the teach-learning […]