The Analysis

Composed citizen (has two nuclei = ‘ ‘ estudantes’ ‘ (substantive) and ‘ ‘ professores’ ‘ (substantive)) It is good for strengthening that the nucleus of the citizen can be substantive words: personal pronames (I, you, it, we, you, they); demonstrative pronames (this, this, that one); indefinite pronames (everything, nothing, nobody, somebody), among others. The […]


In the world contemporary, where the conectividade is more evident, the comment of the relations in the education, especially in the formation of educators and educandos, takes in them to question which the space of performance of the school, mainly with the popularizao (even though banalizao) of the informacionais sources of learning fed by /em […]

Meeting Guideline

Dynamics of presentation of guideline of N meeting of participants: 10 the 30 the ministrante will have to pass a box with some incomplete phrases (it can be a music, verse, parlenda, dictated popular or a subject that will be placed in guideline after the dynamics as form to leave the intent participant to the […]