…trotzdem are appropriate emergency plans in most companies and institutions is still always nil! Both the Federal Office for civil protection and disaster relief (BBK), the federal countries – working groups, as well as also the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) advises companies and companies already on the impact that an emergency (epidemic, pandemic) or an other emergency […]
The APM Holding AG Achieves Certification
The APM Holding AG achieves with the DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 another milestone. Leonberg, 06.06.2011 APM Holding AG, a provider of BPO services, has introduced a system of management and quality safety and then certify in all areas of the quality management system. The APM Group specializes in business process outsourcing in the HR and […]
Organic Olive Oil
Oil is not the same oil: best organic olive oil wanted! Nassereith / Munich, December 20, 2012. What is a high-quality olive oil and how can you distinguish it from an inferior? A real extra virgin”olive oil tastes slightly bitter and spicy, smells of freshly mown meadows or Apple and banana, and Shimmers green golden. […]
Scientology Is A Precise And Effective Way For A Better Life
Intelligence can be increased and others improve the behavior and can help people in the study of life, better to map the life mission of Scientology is not the conquest; It is civilization. It is a rise against stupidity stupidity, which brings the humanity on the ‘final war’. Scientology is to improve what we have. […]
Values Profile:
In a webinar of the Machwurth team International (MTI), Visselhovede, Manager learn the value system analysis instrument values-profile know and make use of change projects. What is important to our employees? What values do they let guides their actions? Business leaders face such questions again and again for example, when it comes to strategy implementation […]