Municipal Guard Police

Gomez Montejano writer reflects the inner workings of the attack on Alfonso XIII on his new novel champions of progress. This historical fact is seen from the experience of a municipal guard. The novelist times convulsed that they lived before and after the bombing has compared the current movement 15 M. Madrid, may 1906, still […]

Oasis Business

It sometimes happens that some phenomena bear no relation to their context and are charged coup sociological hermeneutics which explains them. An example: the music industry crumbles, countries lose control of their economy, risk premiums cease to be conflicting family female sector and become the devil who punishes South of Europe and yet, 50,000 people […]

Monetary Fund International

Important progress in Ireland, particularly in the area of the recapitalization and restructuring of the banking sector and fiscal consolidation has been. Ireland has also substantially improved their competitiveness through wage adjustments, says the document. The causes of the Moody s rebate justified the downgrade of Irish debt by the growing possibility that, when the […]

Lavapies Immigrants

Ablaye Seck is overwhelmed by the support of the residents of Lavapies. Dozens of people came to his aid when several police officers tried to take him to police station after having sneaked into the subway. I sneaked in the subway, but not theft, neither killed nor am I illegal, ensures. Unintentionally, Ablaye has become […]