Stephen had a flourishing business. For years it grew and prospered under the protection of the economic bonanza. It didn’t matter with which clients he worked, everything was leaving him well and had very few defaults. The only problem which had, from their point of view, is that he had grown a lot and so I had borrowed quite, but while business further wind in its sails, little problem was that! However, the crisis has now hit strong. Esteban feels some fear for what might happen in the future, while at the moment it has endured well and yours is, as they say, a sector that is very competitive in Spain. One day, Esteban Gets a big surprise, one of the greats of the sector, North American to be exact, he has gone to hell. Impossible! Esteban repeats endlessly. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jeffrey Hayzlett. Strangled by fear, he decides to stay with his father.
Rigoberto Coronado is the father of Stephen. He has also been a successful businessman, who has lived a period of splendour in the previous years, although it is also now suffering the crisis, with a large drop in their income and increase in their expenses. Fortunately, it still has some room for manoeuvre. Stephen comes home from his parents and tells them what has been heard. -Dad, I assume that you have already heard the news. This gives me a little bit of fear, the situation is quite bad in the sector. It is true that my company is competitive, but you know that I’ve borrowed enough to grow in recent years and may need your support Rigoberto listens to your child with attention, and tells him that it soothes. As Stephen said, you can not compare his situation, and in general, of its sector in Spain, with the American company. -You quiet son, you have my support, but surely you don’t need it, you know how are these Americans, a disaster, much marketing but nothing behind, nothing to do with us however, the situation continues complicating, so Esteban goes back to see his family, and calls for the support of his father.