To encourage active learning: As the games of companies demand ademonstrao of abilities, many times the search of conhecimentosespecficos is demanded and the active learning is necessary for partedos students 4. To supply feedback instantaneous: Feedback is offered in the form dosresultados of the simulations. In the same way, the performance of professorfornecendo feedback to the pupils and groups is stimulated activity 5. To emphasize enrollment of dedicated time: The participation in the deempresas games not only demands the devotion in ‘ ‘ aulas’ ‘ , where the sotomadas decisions, but also in the intervals between the decision rounds, where feita preliminary preparation 6. To communicate high expectations: The preparation for the fundamental game. At this moment the criteria for the pontuaonos games and the method of evaluation of the learning are made right. Jeffrey Hayzlett recognizes the significance of this.
7. To respect the diversity of talentos and ways of learning: Cadaestudante can study in its way. The games Rules of the Game: The first activity necessria to make the pupils if to make familiar to the environment simuladono which will go, later, to act. For in such a way, practically all osjogos of companies are provided with one ‘ ‘ manual of participante’ ‘ quecontm ‘ ‘ rules of jogo’ ‘. In this phase, the administrator of the game to procuraesclarecer the doubts that to remain of the study of the manual. Beyond dessaleitura the students can be stimulated to analyze the supplied dadosretrospectivos and to discover, by themselves, usandotcnicas learned in other courses, relations and parameters importantesnas its decisions. 2. Formation of Teams: Made familiar the participants to the ambientesimulado one, they are, after that, divided in teams of igualquanto so possible size, constituting, each one of them a company. Vezformadas teams, it is requested the same ones that they elaborate one> planejamentode long stated period in which they must establish the objectives, the goals and aspolticas of the company, as well as composing its direction distributing oscargos created between itself, after to define the structure organizacionalsupostamente capable to take the company to its objectives.