The importance of the first interview with the family is putting relief by various authors, such as Ranquet, M. (1996), Bennett, T and others (1990), indicating the need to take into account the following considerations:-establish clearly the object (content) and the goal for what you want to do the family interview. -Conduct the interview in a place known by them. The best site tends to be the family home, but must never be imposed. -Create a positive, non-threatening atmosphere.
For this reason, it is essential to begin the interview by recalling the object and purpose of the same, with an emphasis not in family problems, but on the capabilities, in the resources of the family. That is, it is necessary to make explicit the reality of that family: that they are capable of assuming that they have a problem and wish to solve it for the good of all. -Explain clearly what the role of the educator family: directing, coordinating, directing the family reflection on their own reality. -It is necessary to encourage the participation of all members. -Help the family to clarify the concerns and doubts about the work proposed them. -Finish the interview summarizing treatise on it and emphasizing the agreements reached, which in this first interview acceptance of the aid process start, its duration, articulation and finalization. (c) aid process: will essentially take place through a series of family interviews in which, as already we have pointed out, it’s the family to reflect on their reality, their problems, their needs and their abilities, for it will proceed according to the following scheme:-identification of needs, problems, family aspirations: the interview will begin, as in all caseswith the reminder of the object and the purpose of it. For the realization of family needs, we need to always bear in mind that these acquire reality to the extent that they are heartfelt and made explicit as such by all members of the family.