It is in a body to purificar itself of some delict. A purificada time, would not have more felt to remain imprisoned in the body and with its sensible agencies. 2 _ AS PLATO EXPLAINS THE ORIGIN OF THE SENSIBLE WORLD? Of the sensible world, through ' ' second navegao' ' , that is, (the discovery of the supply-sensible one), we ascend to the intelligible world, that represents ' ' true causa' ' of the sensible world. As well as intelligible world drift of the One, that the function of formal principle plays, and of the indetermined Dade, that functions as material principle (intelligible), also the physical world drift of the ideas, that function as formal principle, and of a material, sensible principle, that is, of a limitless and indeterminate principle of physical character. The project according to which Plato works to explain the sensible world is, therefore, absolutely clearly: ' has a model; ' ideal' ' , a copy exists ' ' the world sensvel' ' exists a craftsman who produced the model copy serving itself. The intelligible world ' ' modelo' ' he is perpetual, as perpetual ' is also the craftsman; ' inteligncia' '. The sensible world, in contrast, constituted of the craftsman was born, that is, was generated, in the true direction of the term, as we can read in the Timeu: ' ' It was born because if he can see it and touch it, therefore it has body and such things are all sensible ones (…) the generation processes are citizens and are geradas' '. 3 _ EXPLAINS AS IS THE TRBALHO OF THE DEMIURGE? Demiurge exists, God-craftsman, God that thinks and wants (and that, therefore, it is personal), which, assuming as ' ' modelo' ' the world of the Ideas, shaped ' ' chora' ' , that is, the sensible stowage, according to this ' ' model ' ' , generating of this form cosmo physicist.