Words keys: Tourism, agricultural Tourism, Valley of Mamanguape, Hotel Farm. Abstract: Tourism is an economic sector that is rapidly developing, when this well-organized and planned, can contribute greatly you the partner-economic status of given area. Possessing great amount of subdivision and strata in various types of tourist activities. Among these it is possible you perceive the existence of agricultural tourism, which can be lives correctly termed agricultural tourism in scope. Referring you the actions performed in the agricultural tourist. Brazil will be being country of strong agricultural and natural tendencies, thus possessing wide variety of options, the employability of actions that will occur in the development of endogenous potential of agricultural properties, through the actions tourist.
When this effect is first observed adds factors that precedes the installation of tourist activities in City or even in small agricultural property. However, agricultural tourism can not be understood the mere to transfer of equipment will be the field tour, and also the uses of the structures of agricultural property. Valley Mamanguape constitutes an interesting area will be research uses of the potential applicability of agricultural a means of attraction will be tourist activities. Thus the deployment of the hotel equipment hotel a farm, can ensure that supplied the lack of resources you such tourist activities in the region. This research is characterized by having an exploratory nature, possessing qualitative approach. The population is composed of the state public body will be tourism, well private companies. Since the dates obtained through the application half-structured of, specific you each sample. Keywords: Tourism, Agricultural Tourism, Valley Mamanguape Farm Hotel. INTRODUCTION: The necessity of lodging in other different and distant ground positions of its habitual dwelling made possible the sprouting of installations that in the future, would be called hotels. The lodging has in the commerce the responsible description, for the sprouting of the forms oldest of offers hoteleira.