Activities of the project Amongst the activities proposals in the project are: ) Old and comparative current didactic book analysis; b) Critical analysis of texts and documents; c) Confection of texts, writings on the thematic one; d) Creation boardings on the subject; e) Exposition of photos and materials confectioned for the pupils following the subject; f) Boarding with local examples of subjects of the content programmarian; g) Elaboration of one list of companies whom if it uses of the thematic one; h) Lectures with specialist in the area. 8.3. To be carried through successfully resources it project, is necessary demand of resources, mainly human resources, with the participation of pupils professors of the ones of the school in question for abrangncia of the project. For practical one better also the disponibilizao of a way of transport would be interesting, so that the pupils could observe of close the espacializao it speech it Sustainable Development. Thus observing the daily one of the companies whom if they use of the thematic one for the alienation of the consumption and the more-value. But I perceived that great majority carries through its locomotion by means of bicycles, and with this I found interesting to consider that the lessons stroll were carried through of bicycle, that beyond to be way of transport that does not need financial expenses with fuel for example, it is also one practical healthful and that it assists in the welfare of the pupils, and the locality has as neighboring a great company of salt refinement. During the lessons in classroom we will go to make use of the material resources that the school possesss, in cas.