In the world contemporary, where the conectividade is more evident, the comment of the relations in the education, especially in the formation of educators and educandos, takes in them to question which the space of performance of the school, mainly with the popularizao (even though banalizao) of the informacionais sources of learning fed by /em the Internet, in special with the experience in the social medias. The opening of connective flows, benefited for the access to the Technologies of the Information and Communication (TIC’ s), almost makes possible the traffic of all type of information in any point of the planet that of instantaneous form, what it becomes minor global the geographic dimension in what refers to the knowledge and relationship possibilities. , Thus so important how much the development of the communication equipment, tornase the evolution of the relations lived deeply from this new (another one) space, that assumes simple forms as the act of to send a message for email, passing for the aiding of loving meeting, or even though assuming the responsibility of organization of practical of violence. The more it increases the conectividade and the more increases the degree of distribution of a lesser social net the world goes being, not in terms geographic, but yes, in social terms. how much lesser in social terms empoderante it is the social field that it is creating, that is, more capacity to induce the people to innovate, to assume protagonisms and to undertake (FRANK, 2009).