According to IBGE (2000) esteem of that 71.5% of the city Brazilian account with service of urban cleanness and that the garbage is deposited in lixes and that given of the UNICEF in 1998 existed about 45 a thousand child and adolescent living and working in these environments. In accordance with documentodo Ministry of the Environment (experience of participativa management of the garbage, UNICEF, 1999). Many children been born in lixes are son of parents who live and live in lixes, helping the parents to catar packings, to separate to periodicals and cardboards, to load packs, to feed pigs etc. Many unfed and displayed the illnesses, about 30% had never been the school, the garbage are its classroom, its area of leisure beyond its ealimentos source of income. One of the main reasons of set of ten or hundred of trabalhes in lixes spread for the country he is reflected of a socioeconmica situation, resultant of baixssimo escolarizao level as well as not the professional qualification and me the income distribution. In this aspect the organic residues are they or a world-wide concern did not become, a good example is the atomic question. Where to store the garbage produced for the nuclear plants? This is only one of the questionings that take in them to reflect this problematic one. The garbage: What we can make to minimize this problem? Which alternative the proposal? One of the alternatives very important to minimize the question of the garbage is the instruction of the population with educative campaigns, so that the residues are separate previously of the recoverable materials, for this the education are a pillar in the viability of the projects, beyond constructing a new vision on the compatible garbage with the world-wide reality. Of a bigger point of view we perceive that during much time the serious problematic a of the garbage was not taken compromising biomas, ecosystems but also proliferate the transformation of the society that consequent increases it the production of good of form consumption to take care of the society with new technologies and superfluous.