I want to believe that this is truth, that the cachorros had felt that the guards were friends. Not that, until them they had given up the fight. Another correlation that I make of the relation between the beggar and dogs are the voluntary character of servitude. With effect, who is not known serves to […]
Hierarchy In Its Ways
For this still he is that the art, as well as the philosophy, if justifies in the communication of this same idea, acting as well as facilitadora of that one already mentioned process of negation of proper I, if for this last one that one is understood that, to know, makes jus of the reason […]
Only that, nowadays, some problems are disclosed: the pupils (without light, who depend on the light of the professor to develop themselves) nor always they are intent; in the majority of the schools almost the totality of the pupils lost the capacity of the attention and it does not hear the teachings of the master. […]
Summer Earth
The presence of 18 luminaries can more clearly divide the year in natural times. For the northern hemisphere: I Winter (23.12 – 13.3). During the reign cold – a dream of nature in anticipation of light and heat. 1. Pluto 2. Neptune 3. Uranus 4. Saturn ii Spring (14.3 – 13.5). Period of the awakening […]
When analyzing Marx and Comte we perceive two ideologies in divergence, fits in them to choose the one that more in them is favorable. In the theory he is as soon as functions, but in the truth the Brazilian citizen did not have such autonomy until the end of the military dictatorship. Some until had, […]
Timeu World
It is in a body to purificar itself of some delict. A purificada time, would not have more felt to remain imprisoned in the body and with its sensible agencies. 2 _ AS PLATO EXPLAINS THE ORIGIN OF THE SENSIBLE WORLD? Of the sensible world, through ' ' second navegao' ' , that is, (the […]
Current Society
' ' Understandably, in the current society, it would not be placed, as then, for those great thinkers, the central problem of the Human Rights, in the line of concerns that today in afecta, much even so e, appointedly in Kant, axiolgica theory deeply was constructed and divulged through its workmanships in which the great […]
Object Relation
Neither an egoistic joy is that one, in the direction of I to be glad itself primordially for the proper possibility of being, instrumentalizando the meeting with You, therefore in the sphere of the relation I You am the inefvel and, subject scientific relation Object does not penetrate immediate of I You. ' ' The […]